jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Universidad Iberoamericana

Location: Mexico City
Type: Private
Admission Requirements:
High School finished.
Admission exam
Other Degrees Offered:
 Degree in History of Art, Degree in economy, Degree in Philosophy

The Universidad Ibeoroamericana  is a Jesuit institution founded in the 40’s with a Christian inspiration. Indeed history was one of the first majors they offered was history. Their first campus was in Mexico City.
68705 pesos

Universidad de Cadiz

Cadiz, Spain.
Admission Requirements:
High School finished.
Admission Exam
Other Degrees Offered:
Degree in Humanities, Degree in Humanities, Degree in Hispanic Letters.
The Cadiz University was founded in the 70´s. Recently the university has been getting more and more degrees. But is has been distinguished to be a good university in the humanities field.
Tuition: 15078 Euros a year

Universidad de Salamanca

Salamanca, Spain.
Admission Requirements:
High School finished.
Present the Prueba de acceso a enseñanzas universitarias oficiales de Grado
Other Degrees Offered:
 Degree in History of Art, Degree in Philosophy, Degree in Economy
The Salamanca is one of the oldest universities on the world and the oldest. It was founded in 1218 by King Alfonso IX and Pope Alexander IV. This university has evolved in its eight centuries of life. The highest point of development of the university was achieved in the Spanish Golden Century. Now a day is one of the most important universities in the study of Social Sciences.
 10260 Euros a year